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Every heating and cooling system needs some tender love and care over the course of its life. But at some point, the question arises: should you repair your current HVAC system or completely replace it with a brand new one? Making this decision is dependent on several factors. Here are three of the most important considerations you should keep in mind before making your choice.

  1. Age

Is your HVAC unit 10-15 years old? Making repairs makes more sense for newer HVAC systems than older ones; replacement is usually a better option if the unit has been in use for over ten years. According to Energy Star, a program backed by the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy, replacing an old HVAC unit is likely the best course of action, since the average life expectancy and period of efficient use of any HVAC unit is 10-15 years. Newer HVAC systems are more efficient and cost effective.


       2. Safety

The safety of your heating and cooling system is another key thing to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace your HVAC unit. If you have been monitoring your system and smelled burning or seen smoke, there is likely an issue with the wiring or electrical connections. This is a major fire hazard; it could spark a fire on its own, or ignite highly flammable dust buildup in vents, filters, and coils.


Another safety concern to bear in mind is the accumulation of mold and mildew within your HVAC system. This is a huge concern because mold does tend to grow in HVAC units, which can lead to mold spores being dispersed through the air inside the home. While it can be prevented or controlled via cleaning of more exterior parts and duct cleaning, mold can build up in inaccessible areas of the HVAC system over time, which could require replacement of ductwork, use of more effective air filters, or the addition of UV lights within the ductwork (i.e. germicidal technology). Utilizing these types of preventative HVAC implements for “repair” can help to mitigate risk when it comes to mold; but it is possible that a complete system replacement would be less expensive than adding to an existing HVAC system.


          3. Effectiveness and efficiency

If your HVAC system is new or relatively new, it should be operating at its most effective and efficient level. So, if anything goes wrong, repair is your best bet. However, if your system’s peak performance has waned excessively or it has broken down more often than not in recent years, repairs are likely not in your best interest due to substantial costs, especially over time—it could be more financially beneficial to invest in a new HVAC system. Upgrading to a new, more energy efficient system could save you a significant amount of money by lowering overall heating and cooling costs.

If you need repairs or want to purchase a new HVAC system, The Coolest LLC is your best choice for the job! Contact The Coolest LLC today to discuss repairing or replacing your HVAC system with a licensed technician. The Austin-based team of experienced HVAC specialists is ready to assist you and to provide the expert advice you need.

Written by: Erika Mehlhaff