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Looking for air conditioning repair in Austin? One of the biggest investments you can make as a homeowner is replacing your air conditioner; however, this type of investment is one that a lot of homeowners tend to not take very lightly. Regardless, all air conditioning units end up getting to the point where replacing them is a much more feasible option than paying endless amounts of money to constantly repair them.

Here are four signs to make note of which signal that the time has come to replace your home’s air conditioning unit:

Four Signs the Time Has Come to Replace Your Air Conditioner

Perhaps one of the most common signs that can indicate that it may be time to replace your air conditioner is finding that you’re suddenly paying more money on your energy bills. This can likely be blamed by an air conditioner that has aged, as these types of units generally have to work a lot harder to keep your home cool. As a result an increased amount of energy is used, which ends up in you having to pay more on your energy bills. Furthermore, air conditioners that have aged also have trouble keeping a home cool on a more sufficient basis, which can result in your thermostat being lowered more often, thereby leading to an increase in your energy bills

Another indication that it may be time to replace your air conditioner is if the unit itself is putting out a smell that is not natural. For instance, a smell that is either smoky or foul can be a sign that the wire insulation of the air conditioner has burned out, while a smell that is musty can be a sign that either mildew or mold has built up in the unit. While running your air conditioner, if you happen to notice a smell of smoke or any signs of burning, this can indicate that the unit itself is potentially close to dying and should be replaced as soon as possible.

One other sign that can indicate that your air conditioner may need to be replaced is if you hear any strange noises while the unit is in operation. It’s common for noises like a whistle or pop to be heard when the unit turns on or off; however, other types of noises can indicate a serious issue with the unit itself. Such noises can include scraping, squealing, loud bangs/pops that occur continuously, and grinding, all of which can indicate issues with key components of your air conditioner that should be looked into by a professional as soon as possible.

Another sign that the time has come to replace your air conditioner is having to pay for repairs on the unit that are both expensive and frequent in nature. If you have an older unit, it can seem like you’re always dealing with one issue after another in terms of something failing. In the event that you’re scheduling repeated repairs, it’s a good idea to determine whether or not the repairs themselves are actually helping. In the event that they aren’t, then your best option will be to replace the entire unit itself.

If you’ve noticed one of the problems listed above with your AC unit, it’s time to contact The Coolest!