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HVAC Filters Replacement- If you want to keep your furnace working optimally and prevent possible malfunctions, you should give some thought to your air filter. Filters are an important element of your home HVAC system, which means you must consider them as you carry out your HVAC maintenance. 

An air filter is one of the most often overlooked components of home HVAC systems. But the state of the filter has a major impact on the operation of your furnace. Your filter should be sized correctly and should be changed or cleaned regularly to keep your furnace from failing. 

So, what does an HVAC filter do anyway?

The main purpose of an air filter is to protect the blower fan by collecting dust, hair, and other debris that passes through the return duct of your HVAC system. It helps keep contaminants and allergens (e.g., bacteria, pollen, etc.) from circulating in the air, maintaining your indoor air quality at a suitable level. Your filter also impacts the efficiency of your HVAC system—one that is the wrong size or that does not get replaced or cleaned reduces efficiency, thereby increasing your energy costs and decreasing the overall lifespan of your blower fan and other HVAC components that are forced to work harder.

Filter ratings matter…

Air filters are rated using the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is an industry standard for rating the overall effectiveness of HVAC system air filters. A high MERV rating is given to filters that remove more airborne contaminants and particles of dust and debris than filters with lower MERV ratings–the more highly rated filters trap specific particles better. While MERV ratings range from 1 to 16, most HVAC professionals recommend that homeowners have HVAC systems with filters rated between MERV 8-13. (Your furnace manufacturer likely recommends the most appropriate range of MERV ratings for your particular model of furnace.)

What filter types will work best?

The type of air filter that is most common and familiar to people is a disposable pleated filter. This type of filter is available in several standard sizes and a range of MERV ratings. Pleated air filters are used in most home HVAC systems because they effectively filter most household particles and allergens out of the air found in homes. The price of these filters varies depending on the brand, size, and MERV rating. Pleated air filters should be examined and replaced every one to three months depending on how much your HVAC system is used.

Another disposable type of HVAC filter is one made of fiberglass. These air filters are the least expensive type available. Like pleated air filters, fiberglass filters come in many standard sizes. However, they are less durable and are rated lower than pleated filters. Disposable fiberglass filters need to be checked and replaced more frequently than other filter types.

Reusable filters are a permanent-use, washable type of filter, manufactured with a frame made of solid aluminum or plastic. These washable filters can be maintained by vacuum-cleaning and rinsing with clean water. They come in a wide range of sizes and ratings, too. They are the most cost-effective and efficient type of HVAC filter—even though they initially cost more to purchase, they only require cleaning about every 90 days, which makes them last up to five years.

No matter which type of HVAC system filter you use, remember they all need maintenance. Don’t forget to check your filter and clean or replace it as required. If you don’t, it could negatively impact your HVAC system as well as your health.

If you need assistance with cleaning or replacing your air filter, don’t hesitate to reach out to HVAC professionals like the team at The Coolest LLC, based in Austin, Texas. The experienced HVAC specialists of The Coolest are ready to provide expert advice tailored to your specific needs and preferences—it is your best resource for home HVAC installation and maintenance. Contact The Coolest today!

Written by: Erika Mehlhaff