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AC Repair Austin Texas

Minor, Major Problems: How to Avoid Expensive Air Conditioner Repairs

The Texas summer is making sure our air conditioners are getting a workout, with temperatures climbing into the triple digits consistently. With the extensive use, your air conditioner is bound to need more care than ever. Air conditioning problems usually start small, but as your air conditioner works overtime, those problems can grow quickly. Even though small signs of air …

Heat Pump Austin Texas

Heat Pumps: A Top Choice for Air Conditioning in Texas

As temperatures and energy bills begin to spike in the Lone Star State, staying cool is at the forefront of the minds of all Texans. When you want an HVAC system to cool your home in Texas, consider using a heat pump–heat pumps are a top choice for air conditioning in hot climates. Homeowners across the state often choose heat …

Allergies From AC Texas

Allergies and Air Conditioning

In Texas, allergies can be a real problem all year round. Heading into spring and summer, many Texans choose to spend more time outdoors, and have to deal with bad seasonal allergies. So, they want to make sure they get some relief when they get home. They count on their home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system to help …

Adjust Thermostat Texas

When Adjusting the Thermostat Doesn’t Work

Things are heating up in Texas, so people are using their home air conditioning systems more and more. As the temperature rises outside, they are setting their HVAC thermostats lower to stay cool inside. But what happens when adjusting the thermostat doesn’t work to maintain the desired temperature in your home? There are a few things that could be causing …

Professional HVAC Installation Austin

3 Reasons to Hire a Professional HVAC Installation Company

When it comes to installing a home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, there is a level of competence and skill required to get the job done right. Professional HVAC installation companies have trained technicians with the knowledge and experience needed for the task. Here are three reasons to hire a professional HVAC installation company to put your heating and …

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Texas

Your HVAC System Needs Seasonal Maintenance Now

As the warmer, sunshiny days of spring settle in across the Lone Star State, it’s time for Texans to switch from heating to air conditioning in their homes. Because the air outside is getting warmer by the day, the temperatures inside Texas homes are also on the rise. In order to start using your air conditioner, you must make sure …

HVAC Pest Control Austin

Protect Your HVAC System from Pests

Spring in Texas has homeowners seeing greater pest activity around their property. Pests of all kinds are emerging as the weather warms, and no one wants to deal with an infestation. These destructive creepy-crawlers and critters can find their way into almost any part of your home, which can be a major problem anywhere, including your heating, ventilation, and air …

Home Energy Audit Austin

Get a Home Energy Audit

It takes a lot of energy to heat, cool, and maintain a home. Energy use is a top concern for Texas homeowners, especially as the weather gets warmer and air conditioners begin to get more use. It is important for them to consider the energy efficiency of their home, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, in light of …

HVAC Inspection Austin

Spring is the Time for an HVAC Inspection

As you switch the use of your HVAC system from heating to cooling mode, it is important to get a spring inspection. With an inspection of your heating and cooling system, you’ll know that t is in the best possible condition to keep you comfortable this spring and into the summer. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of …

HVAC Thermostat

Thoughts on Thermostats

The thermostat is the most important component of a home heating and cooling system. It switches all of the other components on or off as required, so the desired temperature can be maintained. Without a quality thermostat, there is no way for residents to control the regulation of the temperature conditions inside a house. The thermostat allows for control of …

HVAC Spring Prep

Spring Break: Time to Prepare Your HVAC System

Texans are ready to welcome a warmer season. As the spring season approaches, the time has come for homeowners in the Lone Star State to prepare their home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems for the weather changes that come with the transition from winter to spring. It’s time for your heating system to take a spring break, as you …

Ductless HVAC Texas

Why You Need a Ductless Mini-split HVAC System

Spring is right around the corner in Texas, and that means it’s time to start thinking about preparing your air conditioning system for the rising temperatures. You will want to ensure that your air conditioner is effective and efficient, so it might be time to upgrade your HVAC system. Having a ductless mini-split heating and cooling system installed now is …

HVAC System Replacement Texas

Replace Your HVAC System This Spring

Your HVAC system requires regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently but regardless of the proactive measures you take to ensure the longest lifespan possible, there will come a time when repairs aren’t enough and a replacement will be needed. The main reason to replace your home heating and cooling system is its age. If your HVAC system is between …

HVAC System Texas

Deep in Heart of Texas: 3 Tasks to Show Some Love to Your HVAC System

Texans are known for having big hearts, so February is a key month in the Lone Star State. February is American Heart Month and when Valentine’s Day takes center stage, putting the focus squarely on staying healthy and spreading love deep in the heart of Texas! It’s an ideal time for homeowners to give a little love to their HVAC …

HVAC Efficiency Austin Texas

Maximize Home HVAC Efficiency

Texans like you depend on home heating and cooling systems all year long to stay warm during cold snaps and cool during sweltering seasons. Maximizing your home HVAC system’s efficiency is vital if you want to boost comfort and avoid high energy costs. Making smart decisions about your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system can have a big impact …

New HVAC System Austin

How Long Does It Take to Install a New HVAC System?

Are you considering having your HVAC system replaced? If so, you might be wondering what the timeline looks like for installing the new system. The amount of time required will vary depending on some specific factors, including the size of the house, the specific HVAC unit to be installed, the extent of the installation, and the location where the unit …

The Coolest


The Coolest Heating and Air Conditioning was founded by Mark LeGare in the winter of 2016 in an effort to inject the local HVAC industry in Austin, Texas with the kind of superior service and top-notch customer experience that seemed lacking at the time. With an eye towards professionalism and proficiency, LeGare has grown his HVAC company into an outstanding, …

Home Air Quality Testing Companies

Be Prepared for Power Outages

Power outages occur when the electrical power is interrupted and inoperable. Power outages happen for a variety of reasons, from equipment failures to overloaded power grids to natural hazards like extreme weather. Outages can last for a few hours, days, or sometimes even longer. They often disrupt communications, transportation, and utility services in a community, impacting home heating and cooling, …

Home Air Quality Testing Companies

Avoiding Home Heat Loss

Home heating during the winter is one of the most costly responsibilities for homeowners. It is important to consider the effectiveness and efficiency of your home heating system for both comfort and cost. Heat loss is a serious concern when it comes to managing your home heating.   Heat loss is the amount of heat that escapes from inside your …

Heat Pump Repair Austin

Malfunctioning Heat Pumps: 3 Common Causes

No one wants to have issues with a home heating system in the winter, but your heat pump can malfunction. You can try diagnosing the problems yourself, so you can then troubleshoot to fix your heat pump. You need to know some basics about what a heat pump is and how it functions so you can identify when things aren’t …

The Coolest Logo

4 Troubleshooting Tasks for Winter HVAC Problems

The winter can be one of the worst times of year to experience problems with your home heating and cooling system. If there are any heater issues, you likely have discovered them when you switched from using your air conditioning to your heating system for the winter. As a homeowner, there are some simple steps you can take to get …

Winter HVAC prep Austin

3 Steps for Winter HVAC Prep

Winter HVAC prep Austin Winter is here! If you haven’t already winterized your Texas home, now is the time. One task you should not overlook to prepare for winter is readying your home HVAC system for colder weather. You’ll want to keep your home warm and cozy, even if the temperatures where you live don’t result in snowfall during the …

HVAC Ductwork Austin

Signs Your Home HVAC Ductwork Needs Upgrades

HVAC Ductwork Austin Homeowners everywhere know that home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems don’t last forever; furnaces and air conditioners need to be replaced approximately every 15 years or so. But many homeowners don’t realize that the HVAC ductwork that is a part of home heating and cooling systems sometimes needs attention, too. Though the ductwork is essential …

best digital thermostats

What is the Optimal Thermostat Setting for Winter in Texas?

As the fall starts easing into the past and winter comes into view in Texas, homeowners across the state are welcoming cooler temperatures. They are starting to consider turning off their air conditioners and turning on their heaters, so they can have comfortably warm homes. At the same time, they are having to take into account how to optimize the …

Burning odor Austin

Why Is There a Burning Odor When the Heat is Turned On?

Burning odor Austin The fall season is at hand in Texas and cooler temperatures are returning. Because of this, homeowners across the state are starting to think about switching their home heating and cooling system from air conditioning to heating. As cold fronts line up ahead of winter, people are testing their HVAC systems so they are prepared to keep …

HVAC Thermostat Replacement

When to Replace the Thermostat in Your HVAC System

The thermostat is arguably the most important component of your home heating and cooling system. It gives you the control to regulate the heating and cooling conditions in your home by allowing you to set a temperature that meets your comfort needs. The thermostat switches the other HVAC components on or off as required so the desired temperature is maintained …

Why You Should Have a New HVAC System Installed This Fall

Why You Should Have a New HVAC System Installed This Fall

Best HVAC companies in Austin Texas Every season, when you have your home heating and cooling system inspected and tuned up, you are faced with the possibility that it may be time to have your system replaced for one reason or another. If you are considering replacing your heating and cooling system now, you are smart! Fall is the HVAC …

Austin Fire Protection Company

HVAC Systems and Fire Safety

October is Fire Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness and take steps to protect your home from fire damage and your family from fire injuries or even death. One important thing to do in the interest of fire safety and prevention is to make sure your home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is in good working order. …

insulation austin

Austin Insulation Basics: Check Before Calling The Coolest! HVAC Pros

Insulation Austin Single-family residential construction in Texas must meet the provisions of the International Residential Code (IRC). Regarding energy efficiency, the code lays out several requirements, including for insulation. Texas homeowners are required by law to insulate their residences according to the established standards. Insulation that meets code adds to the energy efficiency of a home; it also helps maintain …

Air Conditioning Specialists Austin

Air Purifiers and Air Scrubbers: What’s the Difference? Part 2

Air Conditioning Specialists Austin, TX Two of the best options for improving indoor air quality are air purifiers and air scrubbers. Air purifiers and air scrubbers are both air cleaners that can be used as components of your home HVAC system to remove dust, debris and other pollutants from the air in your home. Part one of this two-part discussion …

Air Purifier Austin

Air Purifiers and Air Scrubbers: What’s the Difference?

Air Purifier Austin, TX Homeowners across Texas are now more interested and concerned than ever about the indoor air quality of their homes. However, not all homeowners understand how to achieve the best possible air quality in their indoor space; they often don’t know what means exist for improving the indoor air quality. Two of the best options for improving …

HVAC in Austin

5 Questions to Ask Your Local HVAC Technician

5 Questions to Ask Your Local HVAC Technician in Austin The best time to choose a professional HVAC company for your home heating, ventilation, and air conditioning needs is NOW. You should not wait until an emergency arises. Choosing an HVAC company now will ensure that you will have access to professional HVAC services whenever you need them. Read on …

Mini-Split AC Austin Texas

Replace Window Air Conditioning Units With Ductless Mini-Split Systems

Homeowners are always on the lookout for the most effective and efficient ways to keep their houses comfortable and cool. Many homeowners without central air conditioning systems use window air conditioning units to cool their homes. But they may not be getting the best bang for their buck. Why? Read on to learn more about window air conditioners and why …

HVAC Austin TX

Out with the Old and In with the New: Replacing Your Home HVAC System

HVAC Austin TX – Every home heating and cooling system needs attention and protective care over the years, to keep it in good operational shape and increase its useful life. Eventually, though, homeowners will reach a point when they begin to wonder if it’s time to make a change to their HVAC system; they might consider replacing their current HVAC …

Bryant Heating and Cooling Systems

A Few Words about Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems

Bryant Heating and Cooling Reviews If you’ve been thinking about upgrading your heating and air conditioning system or replacing it completely, you no doubt have set out to find the best quality HVAC products to provide your desired level of home comfort. Bryant Heating and Cooling Systems, an authority in the HVAC world, is likely one of the first companies …

austin energy bill

5 Tips for Minimizing Strain on Your AC

Is your Austin energy bill way too high? During the long, hot summers in Texas, your air conditioner has to work extremely hard to keep you and your family cool and comfortable. The oppressively high temperatures across the Lone Star State push AC units to their limits, as the summer season causes people to swelter. As temperatures reach the 90s …

how to change an air conditioner filter

HVAC DIY Tips: How to Check and Replace Your Air Filters

HVAC DIY Tips: How to Check and Change an Air Conditioner Filter Part of being a responsible homeowner is to take care of your property via regular home maintenance.  Some maintenance tasks should be left to the professionals, but others can be taken care of by the homeowner. If some of the tasks that could be handled by the homeowner …

AC Repair South Austin

Keeping HVAC System Healthy: Information to Prepare for Your HVAC Tech

You, as a homeowner, have a role to play in keeping your HVAC system healthy. You will likely handle the majority of the standard, day-to-day HVAC maintenance tasks yourself. However, since home heating and cooling systems are complicated, there will be times when you cannot take care of system issues. In those instances, maintenance by a professional HVAC technician is …

HVAC Companies Austin

5 HVAC Questions to Ask When Buying a New Home

Buying a new home is an exciting event. If you have fallen in love with a house and started to imagine your family settling in and making it a real home, you might forget that there’s more to buying a new house than just the beauty and comfort of the place. It is also important to give attention to some …